dimanche 24 octobre 2010

Ed Lisieski

© Ed Lisieski
Back Lot, 2 octobre 2008
(Polaroid 600)

Ed Lisieski is not a photographer, or at least he doesn’t think of himself as one.
His passion for taking pictures was sparked by being introduced to Flickr back in 2006 by his friend James Marohn (http://www.flickr.com/photos/marohn_ja/).
Dusting off a Polaroid OneStep that he had purchased back in 1986 he began to teach himself how to see through its cheap plastic lens by taking pictures of the world around him.
His subject matter are the people and places of his everyday world and routines; his commute to and from work, his home, his family and friends.
The sensibility he brings to his photos was initially shaped by his painting studies at the Rhode Island School of Design but it is primarily influenced by the emotional force or opportunity that a situation presents.
It is his hope that he has successfully captured initial impulse to share it with the viewer.
This is the first exhibiting of his Polaroids outside of Flickr.

Ed Lisieski n'est pas un photographe, tout du moins, il ne se considère pas comme tel.
Sa passion a été déclenchée en 2006 par son ami James Marohn, lorsqu'il l'invita sur Flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/marohn_ja/).
Après avoir dépoussiéré un Polaroid OneStep acheté en 1986, il se forma en prenant, à travers son objectif en plastique, les gens autour de lui.
Ces sujets préférés sont son environnement quotidien, le monde routinier : ses amis, sa famille, sa maison, son trajet vers son travail.
La sensibilité de ses photographies doit beaucoup à ses études de peinture à The Road Island School of Design... c'est avant tout la force émotionnelle ou l'opportunité que présente une situation qui sont à la source de toute ses prises de vues.
Son souhait profond est de pouvoir partager avec vous cette impulsion initiale.
C'est sa première exposition de Polaroids en dehors de Flickr.

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